Friendships are a source of stimulation, pleasure, and support. Making friends later in life is important. The FRIEND consortium, with European partners…
Celebrating connections across Europe: stay informed with the latest updates, stories, and insights on the Friend Project
Friendships are a source of stimulation, pleasure, and support. Making friends later in life is important. The FRIEND consortium, with European partners…
Friendships are a source of stimulation, pleasure, and support. Making friends later in life is important. The FRIEND consortium, with European partners…
Launch of the FRIEND Project: promoting friendships for the wellbeing of people over 65 We are pleased to announce the…
For project FRIEND we sat down with elderly people and professionals. We talked about Friendship at Carehome Aafje in Ridderkerk…
Friendships are a source of stimulation, pleasure, and support. Making friends later in life is important. The FRIEND consortium, with…
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