Friendships are a source of stimulation, pleasure, and support. Making friends later in life is important. The FRIEND consortium, with partners from all over Europe with different areas of expertise, is working together to develop a Toolkit to foster Friendships in Later Life. This week all partners gathered in The Netherlands at Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing for a fruitful meeting. This project is a follow-up of the Online Friendship Course developed by Tamara Bouwman (Vrije Universiteit) and the Friendship Enrichment Program developed by Nan Stevens (Radboud Universiteit) and consists of theory and various exercises.
The European project team FRIEND consists of the following partners: Stichting Gouden Dagen (The Netherlands), Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing (The Netherlands), Akademia Humanistyczno Ekonomiczna (Poland), Aproximar (Portugal), Anziani e Non Solo (Italy), Fundación Harena (Spain).