Expert interview: Nan Stevens

Friendships are a source of stimulation, pleasure, and support. Making friends later in life is important. The FRIEND consortium, with European partners is therefor developping a Toolkit to foster Friendships in Later Life. With theory and various exercises. This project is a follow-up of the Online Friendship Course developed by Tamara Bouwman (Vrije Universiteit) and the Friendship Enrichment Program developed by Nan Stevens (Radboud Universiteit).

Four questions for Nan Stevens

We are now eager to hear about the importance of friendship from expert Nan Stevens, founder of the Friendship Enrichment Program.

Why did you start the Friendship Enrichment Program? 

‘In my work as a professor and as a Social Worker I focused on preventing loneliness and supporting people. In my support groups I noticed people were looking for a good conversation and for real contact. But, when you get older, your circle of friends and contact shrinks unintentionally. My goal with the Friendship Enrichment Program was to give people tools to improve their own well-being at an older age.’

Tell us more about the Program!

‘The course consists of theory and various exercises. Such as assignment for ‘small talk ’. This can be difficult in the beginning, but anyone can do it. Step by step participants build up confidence to make contact with others more easily and thus become more socially active. We also address there are gradations in friendship and different kinds. Like a friendly neighbour, a close friend and a buddy to go for a walk. We also pay attention to setting boundaries in friendship.’

Can anyone do this course?

‘Well, there are some conditions for participants. For example, you must be able to listen to someone else. And you need to be able to ask a question, tell a story. But most of all: you have to be interested in others and wanting to learn from others.’

What are the results of participating in the course?

‘People have different things to gain from the course. Some participants gained more appreciation for themself. And self-knowledge. A woman told me: ‘I now know better how it works for me when interacting with other people.’ Also, participants learned to take initiative. The group dynamic is also a good experience for many people. You practice together and learn from the others. And it is a lot of fun!’

Note: The current Friend Project is a follow-up of the Friendship Enrichment Program. The FRIEND consortium is developping a Toolkit to foster Friendships in Later Life. More information on



Nan Stevens was Professor of Applied Social Gerontology at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and Senior Lecturer in Psychogerontology at Radboud University until her retirement in 2014. She is active in the field of gerontology as a guest lecturer and speaker on topics such as bereavement, loneliness, friendship in later life, and interventions to promote the well-being of the elderly. She is the author and teacher of the Friendship enhancement programme. Nan Stevens lectures at the university on social relationships and loneliness. In her career, she focuses on preventing loneliness and supporting people. 

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