The consortium of partners from all over Europe with different areas of expertise is working together to develop the Friendship Course. The European project team FRIEND consists of the following partners: Stichting Gouden Dagen (Netherlands), Leyden Academy (Netherlands), Akademia Humanistyczno Ekonomica (Poland), Approximar (Portugal), Anziani e Non Solo (Italy), Fundación Harena (Spain). 

This project is made possible by Erasmus+ and the European Union

Stichting Gouden Dagen (Netherlands) is working with a network of care facilities and community centers in the Netherlands to improve the quality of life for the elderly. The goal is to combat loneliness while bringing people together. 

Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing’s (Netherlands) mission is to increase knowledge about ageing and vitality, and making it accessible to policymakers, healthcare providers and the general public in order to improve the quality of life of older people. 

Akademia Humanistyczno Ekonomiczna w Łodzi (Poland) Higher education institution (tertiary level) (AHE) is one of the largest non-public universities in Poland, with 24 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses, offering more than 80 specialisations and a wide range of subjects in cultural studies, graphic design, creativity, pedagogical sciences, sociology, psychology, and entrepreneurship. 

Aproximar (Portugal) is a social cooperative acting as social innovation hub, whose mission is to enhance people, communities and organizations’ human and social capital as a strategy to strengthen their capacity to deal with existing and emerging challenges and opportunities. 

Anziani e Non Solo (Italy) is a social cooperative working in the field of social innovation, welfare and social inclusion through the design and the implementation of interventions, products, and services in various areas. Specifically, one of their missions is to promote active ageing and support frail or dependent elderly people. 

Fundacion Harena (Spain) encourages counseling, both in person and by phone, cultural group outings and awareness-raising activities that promote citizens’ engaged attitudes toward elderly people living alone. 

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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